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Add Your Units.

This chapter covers the creation of units (base and wall) for your design. For details on positioning units with Drag and Drop, see Positioning Units with Drag and Drop.

Due to the large number of units available in ArtiCAD, it is impossible to cover the creation and options for every single item. This chapter will cover the principles behind adding and modifying units.

The principles covered here apply to all room systems. Exceptions will be noted.

When adding units you should switch to Drag and Drop mode. Click on the "Drag n Drop" button on the Utilities Window or click "Mode" then "Drag and Drop". For details on using "Drag and Drop" mode to move and position your unit, see Positioning Units with Drag and Drop.

Adding a unit to your design follows the same principle as adding Wall items. Choose the layer you wish to add to (Base Units or Wall Units) then click on the required button. However, unlike with "Walls", the buttons for adding units are arranged in several sub-menus.

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More ArtiCAD Conventions.

A full list can be found in Appendix 5. ArtiCAD Conventions.

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Searching for items.

To search for items click the "Select..." button at the top of the ArtiCAD screen.

Type your search into the "Search For:" box. It will search as you type, so you will notice the list of results shrink as you type.

You can narrow your search to a single layer by ticking the relevant boxes i.e. ticking "Base Units" will only search in the base units.

You can also specify a size to search for by typing a value next to "Width", "Height" etc.

Press "Enter" on your keyboard to search within the current set of results.

Clicking on an item in the results list will display it's properties as well as a simple 3D preview in the bottom-left. Hold down the left mouse button within the preview and drag the mouse to rotate the preview.

To add the selected item onto the design, click "OK".

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Kitchen examples.

Bathroom examples.

Bedroom examples.

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